
MiSkiReport.com is the premier site for skiing and snowboarding in Michigan. Launched in 2009 out of our passion for skiing and snowboarding. Profiles of nearly 40 ski resorts, including snow reports and weather, events and deals, COVID policy updates, technical articles and gear reviews — we are your source for all things snow sports in Michigan!
Jason Dodge

Jason Dodge

Editor In Chief

Jason started MiSkiReport.com in 2009 out of his passion for skiing. Going on 28 years of ski experience both in and out of the snowsports industry, Jason has collaborated with a number of major ski resorts and manufacturers on trending topics, styles and technical aspects of gear. By day Jason is the Founder of BlackTruck Media + Marketing, a Michigan-based search engine marketing company. Ski guy and gear head by night.
Haley Dalian

Haley Dalian


A native Michigander, Haley is a life-long skier who takes advantage of recreation throughout the state’s changing seasons. As Marketing Manager for Campspot in Grand Rapids, she enjoys strategizing, storytelling, and persuading others. Haley’s many passions include scuba diving, water skiing, performing improv, reading Popular Mechanics magazine, and recycling. Former varsity racer for Walled Lake Central High School &  Michigan State University alum — Go Green!


Matt VanSteenis

Matt VanSteenis


Matt VanSteenis needs a bio.