2012-2013 Michigan Ski Resort Season Outlook

2012-2013 Michigan Ski Resort Season Outlook It’s getting to be that time of the year again. Resorts and ski areas are scrambling to get the last minute touches on terrain changes and upgrades for this season, some areas like Ski Brule are already open.  With a rash of storms up and down the east coast,...

Support Michigan’s Urban Scene

Support Michigan’s Urban Scene There’s this little group located in Grand Rapids, MI known as Start Garden. Their focus is on creating an ecosystem where ideas can grow, entrepreneurs can learn and businesses can be built. How does it work? Don’t ask us… read the fine...

Monster Energy Park at Shanty Creek

Monster Energy Park at Shanty Creek We caught wind of this late last season but were sworn to secrecy…. sorry kids, but we had to keep our mouths shut! Official Press Release: Shanty Creek Introduces The Monster Energy Park at Schuss Mountain Bellaire, Mich. – Shanty Creek Resorts, a premier...


BEHIND THE SCENES AT THE BIRMINGHAM RAIL JAM A little recap from our man Greg Flowers, aka G-flow, from Boneheadx who was on the scene at the 4th annual Don Thomas Downtown B-ham Rail Jam on Sept. 22nd.So.. the Saturday morning alarm goes off and I stretch – knowing it’s going to be a BIG day in...

Michigan Ski Resort Update, 2011 Season

Michigan Ski Resort Update, 2011 Season Temps are dropping, reports of snow are coming in across the Upper Peninsula and even down into the northern lower portions of Michigan this week.  The NWS forecast is looking prime for the upcoming season and resorts across Michigan have prepped all summer in...